
Road trips and Barbeque

I just came back from a road trip from Georgia to Kansas City and back. With Covid causing travel restrictions, many are finding travel across the U.S. to be the answer. We went to visit a client and friend in Kansas City and while there were able to attend the World Series of Barbeque competition. I learned about burnt ends which are very good, and I wish I saw them on the menus at home. My doctor may not wish that though.  We did eat a bit of burnt ends while there at Joe's Barbeque and Q39. We also toured a botanical garden in Overland Park which was only $3 but encompassed several hundred acres.


One of the items I have enjoyed doing for a long time is geocaching. I started with my kids when they were young and were camping. And I continue to enjoy it as an adult, especially when exploring new areas. If you are not familiar with it, check it out at www.geocaching.com.  A new addition to geocaching is called Adventure Labs which opens up in a separate app on your phone. These adventure labs are set up by other volunteers who introduce you to interesting areas of their local towns. We did many of these labs on our trip and were introduced to fun facts/stops on Route 66, various Civil War areas, a historical Façade in Louisville, and learned about Overland Park and its beginnings.


What does this have to do with financial planning, you ask?  Financial planning is to help you reach your goals. Travel and time with family and friends is a very important goal and one we need to make sure we do from time to time to recharge. With proper planning, you can enjoy this goal along with your other goals. Slow down, take a break, and go explore Route 66 or your own location of choice, and go enjoy some barbeque. – Leslie

 Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash