
Scrooge or Tiny Tim – Where do you stand?

The holidays are upon us. Halloween is around the corner and Thanksgiving and Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza are next. Auditions for a community play last night for a Christmas Carol, made me start thinking of what it means to be charitable.


Have you made any charitable donations of time or money this year? Is it something on your financial goal list? Do you want to give now or later?


Did you know if you were 70 and a half or older, you can give up to $100,000 a year from your retirement plans through a Qualified Charitable Distribution? Or give some or all of your Required Minimum Distribution to a charity of your choice. Giving in these manners not only is charitable but can save you significant tax dollars. Check with your planner or brokerage firm on how to do it. You can also give $300 if single, or $600 if married and have it as a write off again for 2021 without itemizing.


If you are not 70 and half or you don't have extra funds to give, think about giving your time. You can deliver meals to homebound seniors, helps young and old learn to read, be a mentor to a small business, build a home for a family in your community, and so much more. Check with a local volunteer agency or often you can find notices in the paper or online.


Life is what you make it. Financial planning is great to give you comfort. But are your savings more than you need? Is your cup overflowing? Give now and experience the joy of giving and getting to see how you can help change lives now. Don't wait for the ghosts to appear to remind you of what you could have done. Make a difference today.


Photo by Katt Yukawa on Unsplash